Saturday, July 9, 2011


I'm writing this from my phone b/c I'm currently getting a pedicure. Since I didn't bring a book to read and I haven't written anything in a while might as well catch thing up while soaking my toesies :) I feel really vain doing it but I finally broke down. I deserve it after the month I've had.

Starting the 2nd week we had almost 200 kids come to church for vacation bible school. Kids learned about god's radical love. I ran with a couple of 6th graders the craft segment. So much fun.

Then that saturday I ran 13.1 miles in a See Jane run race. Never ran that far in my life. Now I can say I have. :) Woo hoo!

The next day I preached for the first time at college church. Another new experience!

Then lead a retreat with 16 5th and 6th graders. That weekend the wonderful and beautiful wedding of a friend.

Then the week that was supposed to be a break. I worked half day and the other half I took care of my nephew while he adjusted to daycare.

Then I was in a wedding of 2 very good friends. What a fun wedding!

And finally last week I spent it at girls camp with 182 girls. My title: Speaker. I spoke at chapel times hung out with girls in between canoeing, swiming and hanging fun.

All this might sound like a list of crazy busy to do's. During some of it, it did feel like obligations. Somewhere in the middle of it I came to the realization that THIS IS LIFE. New experiences, time spent with a handsome nephew, weddings and the whirlwind of life. There are so many breathes, lessons, laughs and tears that put all-together is life.

Life's is complete.

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