Saturday, May 7, 2011


So since I last wrote there has been multiple times when I've thought I should sit down and write on my blog but because of time contraints I couldn't but here is an update of going ons and I hope to write more in depth on certain experiences.  For now here is a list in no particular order:

  1. Holy Week and Easter was wonderful!  Egg Scramble, I baptized 10 beautiful preteens, then had a great dinner with friends. God definitely is alive in my life in quiet but meaningful ways. I am not worthy of his love but I'm so utterly grateful.
  2. I'm officially  a children's pastor now. 
  3. I got to visit Kayla  and Lawrence (friends from college) and it was wonderful to get away and celebrate life with them!
  4. It's spring and I'm so very grateful that things don't stay dark and dead around here!
  5. I've found a bride's maid dress and am looking forward my friends' wedding!!
  6. Although life has been hard and full of even more new things to get used to and understand life is still good.
  7. I'm learning more things about friendships and what that means for me as an adult
  8. I'm looking for a new place to live
  9. Saw my friend graduate today and I'm so very proud of Anne!
  10. I planted lettuce and they just sprouted.
I could think lots more but I think 10 is a nice number to finish with. Most of the above mentioned things are continually teaching me to continue to take everything step by step and with lots of prayer. 


1 comment:

  1. I thoroughly enjoyed your visit too. I wish we could celebrate life together more often!! :)
